Monday, May 5, 2008

It's Biker Babe Time of Year

Biker Babes are hitting the roads and rallies all over the country. It's time to grab up the leathers, throw on the boots and ride! That pent up, caged in feeling that comes with the winter months in most parts of the world, has passed by for another year. The open road is calling their names. That feeling of freedom, love of the wind, desire to explore new avenues and meet new people is oh so strong as it rises to the surface.

Back in a day it was taboo for a woman to ride their own, looked down on, and addressed as having a flaw in their womanhood. However these days, even their men counterparts seem to agree, there is something very sexy about a woman strong minded, and self confident enough to dress up in leather, throw back her hair and reach for that helmet, toss aside the heels to put on those riding boots, just so they can hit the road and ride her own.

The leather and lace that is abundant at the rallies all over the country, is symbolic to many of the woman who don't ride their own. Almost a tribute to those biker babes that travel along side their "brothers" of the road.

Riding season has begun, rallies are popping up all over the world. It's time to ride. To all the Biker babes, out there on the road, be safe, stay strong enjoy the ride.

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