Friday, April 11, 2008

Biker Babes and the Rally

Biker Babes are very aware of all the upcoming rallies. Myrtle Beach is on the calendar very soon. Many smaller and less known or promoted rallies are where you see most of the true Biker Babes.

Although most weekend Biker Babes see the rallies as a time to dress in the formal rally attire of leather to the max and lace to soften the look. Weekend Biker to show as much skin as and hair all in place, and off they strutt to the rally. Real biker babes have no problem toning it all down to crawl into the tent with their man.

Leather is worn for a reason, but at most these major rallies these days,it seems to be about making a fashion statement. New leather is everywhere. Fresh out of the stores. I do admit, the weekend Biker Babes make the rallies entertaining to watch. It is entertaining to watch them walk around trying to act and look natural in the role.

Next rally you attend, take a look at the Biker Babes on the side lines. The Ladies not seeking out the limelight or have a need to be seen. Pull up a chair and talk with quess will be meeting one of the REAL Biker Babes and she will have some very interesting things to say, and some very interesting stories to tell.

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