Saturday, April 19, 2008

Biker Babes Leather

It wasn't until the 50's that Harley Davidson began including woman in their product lines. Biker babes then, were referred to as Companion Riders. At that point in time, Harley designed a woman's black leather jacket and cap with a long veil type effect in the back for woman. Their men's leather jackets were modified for a tighter fit to a woman's frame. The tighter fit is to offer better protection from the wind and elements yet flow smoothly with the body as if it were a glove. It also offers the best protection in case of a fall. This look has given ladies a more "rebellious, wild, and free" look then was ever intended with the introduction of this line of ladies riding accessories. Their men loved that look.

Over the years, leather has become the mainstay for Harley riders in a variety of sizes, styles, and formal attire. It's "tough" material makeup has spilled over to represent the riders who sit on the bikes. Biker babes included. Biker Babes, have no issues with showing off their womanhood in the tightest of leather or the skimpiest of attire. Their confidence and strong will sets them apart. You can see it on their face, in their actions. Biker Babes will always find their way.

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